جزوات حقوقی برزویی، عباس، جزوه درسی حقوق اراضی دانشگاه تهران، زمستان 1389 میرزانژاد جویباری، اکبر، جزوه درسی حقوق ثبت املاک، زمستان 1388 مقالات حقوقی تویسرکانی، سید احمد، «قبض و قبول در عقد وقف»، فصل‏نامه‏ی میراث جاویدان، سال هشتم، شماره‏34، سال 1376 فصل‏نامه‏ی وقف میراث جاویدان، ویژه‏نامه‏ی «چشمه‏سار»، یادمان هفته‏ی وقف،، تهران، انتشارات چاپ و نشر آثار اسلامی سازمان اوقاف و امور خیریه، سال 1376 ندایی، حسن رضا، تنظیم سند و احکام مستنبط از آیه تداین، ماهنامه کانون سردفتران، سال 1390 قوانین وسایر منابع حجتی اشرفی، غلامرضا، مجموعه کامل قوانین و مقررات محشای اراضی، انتشارات گنج دانش، چاپ ششم،سال 1388 سایت حقوقی دادرسی،حقوق برای همه،ماهنامه حقوقی دادرسی،www.dadrasi.blogfa.com کریمی , عباس، نرم­افزار حقوقی بهارستان، نگارش 3، سال 1390 مجموعه‏ اوقاف، انتشارات معاونت پژوهش تدوین و تنقیح و قوانین و مقررات ریاست جمهوری، تهران، سال 1383 Abstract In this thesis, the Registration Act, according to official documents were valid and subsequent laws, the law has prescribed that the cancellation of official documents has been legally obtained and analyzed. In this regard, Different laws on forestland(in the general sense) has been approved that the origin of that law retuned to approval of “nationalization of country’s forests”. However these laws will cause cancellation of official documents, the aim is to approve this law to protect natural resources. Judgments about the certainty of the authorities, specified in the rules are based on two diverse thoughts certainty upon the issuance and uncertainity before the owner notice. This leads to the ability for implementation of verdict before the protest can actually help to solve the problem; although it is inconsistent with the letter of the law. Cancellation of official documents relating to abandoned land ownership has been specified in another part of this thesis in the way that “The urban land Act” covers lands, located within the towns and cities in protected and legal premises whereas’ The deserted land recognition reference and their document Cancellation’ conveys the law for city lands out of jurisdiction. Provision of approved rules betoken comprisal of these rules in regard to moat lands self-existent and mowattbelaraz too. But the result of this thesis is that the law is merely related to land self- existent and dependent so-called arid is out of inclusion of rules. The endowment lands, including some cases that about this issue we face declaration of Cancellation of official documents.

موضوعات: بدون موضوع  لینک ثابت

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