5-Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1984, UN 6-Dalloz Repertoire De Droit Pénal Et De Procedure Pénale (2 Edition) Mise AJour 1992, Tome II, Circonstances Aggravantes á Douanes Philippe Pierre Cailler (Competence Internationale) 7-Draft Code of Crimes Against the peaceand Security of Mankind. 8-Griffin, M. (1999). Ending the Impunity of Perpetrators of HumanRights atrocitie -J.Wilson Richard, “Prosecuting Pinochet : International Crimes In Spanish 9-Domestic Law”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol 21/1999. 10-Randall, Kenneth, C. (1988). Universal Jurisdiction Under International Law, 11-Reydams, Luc. (2003). Universal Jurisdiction New York: Oxford university press Inc 12- S. Brown Bartram, “The Evolving Concept Of Universal Jurisdiction”، NewEngland Law Review, Vol.35:2, 2001


One of the principles of criminal jurisdiction Frasrzmyny,is the principle of universal jurisdiction. Universal jurisdiction principle of  criminal law is  crucial in determining the eligibility of countries and  criminal law.According to this principle, every country can without having any traditional relation with  ,for purpose of  national of guilty person or Monyj Elayh ,crime scene or Damged n tional  interests,in order to avoid of having ho  conviction,for guilty , he could be prosecuted and punished.Although most countries have now recognized this principle, but very few of them actually have to implement this principle.And this is achieved by virtue of international conventions and treatises.if a crime or  offense take happen, although committed or pevpetvato not being in the  territory of that country “territorial jurisdiction” or  nationals of that country “personal jurisdiction” and that such special crimes which not be in range of the penal laws  ” real authority,” the court of the place of detention   can  convict  and punish the guilty a ccording  to criminal laws anel with a little carfal  scrutiny about debated competency ,which is due to international aspect of the crime, shall include the terms of international conventions and the ceremony of  international community  can be convicted  .In other words,it,s  Criminalization is transceral of  national boundaries and  realized in all countries. and if it take happen, all the countries have a  respond or reachon to this situation. And therefore with arresting them , the same  court will have jurisdiction capture and competency to the  action, and this is the amhan of the criminal  International rights.Certainly in this context, of drug issues affecting the global village is still harmful and grim Vasar drag issues affecting the global village and havmfal and grim traces  threat  all the countries.Now international  trying in order to redace and control drag and fighting with misconsuming and drag international trafficking at national, logical,and intnational level placed on directions of united nations and government and improvement in level of this competition,whth reliance.to commonalities and mutual interests of  countries and intarnahional interests and base on nor coric drugs,conventions can adopt  the  unique basis for addressing . Narcotic drug  phenomenon in the world and  internationally trafficking. -عمید،حسن؛ فرهنگ عمید، انتشارات امیر کبیر،تهران 1371،ص 826[1] [2] -websters New Twentieth century Dictionar ,simonand schuster,1990,p,993 3-مولایی ،یوسف، «وابستگی متقابل حقوق بین الملل عمومی وحقوق بین الملل خصوصی  در مساله صلاحیت » مجله دانشکده حقوق وعلوم سیاسی دانشگاه تهران ، شماره 35، پاییز 75، ص 117 4- بولوک،برنادرودیگران،آیین دادرسی (موضوع ونهادهای دادرسی کیفری )،ترجمه دکترحسن دادبان ،چاپ نخست،تهران،انتشارات دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی ،1377،جلد اول ،ص 581

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